PSOP Programs - 91¸£ÀûÉç



  • Illinois Division of Insurance volunteers assist individuals with Medicare, Medicare Part D, Illinois Cares and health insurance claims.
  • For information or an appointment, contact the PSOP Resource Center at 618-234-4410, ext. 7033.


Alternative Transportation System

Curb-to-curb community service for individuals certified as American Disabilities Act (ADA) eligible and service for those age 60 and older in some areas.Find out more about ATS.


Short-term counseling is available for St. Clair County residents over the age of 60, or for caregivers of those over the age of 60, related to topics of aging, illness, grief, life events, caregiving, and community resources. The counselors are available by appointment in the PSOP Resource Center or in the home of homebound clients. Consultations and sessions are free of charge. For information or an appointment, please call Tanya Koelker, MA/LPC, at 618-234-4410, ext. 7039.

Support groups, community presentations, and/or community resource information is available related to Alzheimer’s Disease in all stages of caregiving, Parkinson’s Disease in all stages and caregiving, Caregiving, Suicide Prevention (QPR), and several behavioral health topics. Please call Tanya Koelker, MSW/LCSW at 618-234-4410, 7039 for support group information or to schedule a presentation.​


  • Older adult volunteers who give one-on-one attention and assistance to special and/or exceptional needs children
  • Volunteer in nonprofit stations such as HeadStart and daycare centers, schools, juvenile detention and after-school programs
  • Provide emotional support to abused and/or neglected children
  • Mentor to troubled teenagers and young mothers
  • Provide care for premature infants and children with physical disabilities and severe illnesses
  • Tutor children who lag behind in reading or other teacher identified subject area
Foster Grandparent Volunteers Receive:
  • Ongoing training
  • Supplemental insurance while on duty
  • An annual physical
  • A meal during service
  • Reimbursement for transportation costs
  • A small nontaxable, nonreportable stipend
  • Joy of helping young people become productive members of society

If you are interested in serving as a Foster Grandparent, you must meet income eligibility guidelines, be at least 55 years old, be willing to commit to at least 15 hours per week and be in good health.

For more information on the Foster Grandparent Program, please call 618-234-4410, ext. 7062, or email


  • Physical assessments
  • Blood pressure testing
  • Health counseling
  • Exercise classes – Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:45 – 11:45 a.m. Minimal per class fee
  • Beginner Tai Chi – Mondays, noon – 1 p.m. ($5 per class)
  • Advanced Tai Chi – Tuesdays, noon – 1 p.m. ($5 per class)
  • Gentle Yoga – Tuesdays, 10 – 11 a.m. ($5 per class)
  • Flu shots
  • Education programs
  • Workshops
  • Arthritis exercise
  • Fitness Room

For more information, call 618-234-4410, ext. 7042


Serves senior and disabled citizens residing in public housing administered by St. Clair County Housing Authority

  • Individualized Needs Assessment
  • Intervention
  • Advocacy and Complaint Resolution
  • Linkage with 91¸£ÀûÉç/PSOP Programs
  • Referrals to Service Providers

For more information, call 618-257-0011.
Individualized Needs Assessment

Service Coordination Program conducts individual needs assessments on all senior citizens and disabled persons who live in public subsidized housing in St. Clair County. SCP staff ensure support services are provided to senior residents as needed. Some services offered are, but not limited to: Circuit Breaker, Utility Payment Assistance, Recreation, etc.

Staff will investigate and intervene in housing matters which adversely affect seniors (e.g., denial of assistance, threat of eviction, poor quality or lack of service, discriminatory practices, intimidation or harassment, etc.).
Advocacy and Complaint Resolution

Program staff provides advocacy related to the rights of older persons participating in and the quality and suitability of federally assisted housing programs. Staff disseminates information regarding available housing programs, eligibility requirements and application process. The Service Coordination Program also does counseling or assistance with matters that may affect or be influenced by housing problems.


The Senior Citizens Resource Directory contains a wide variety of programs, agencies and organizations, which can provide services to older persons. The agencies are designed to address the health, education, training and employment needs of the older person. The St. Clair County Office on Aging produces this guide.


Senior Companions are older adult volunteers who help their peers live independently by assisting with necessary daily tasks in their homes by:

  • Reminding them when to take medications
  • Encouraging them to remain active
  • Providing contact with the outside world
  • Offering information about services in the community
  • Giving free time to primary caregivers

These services are provided at no cost to the client. In return for their service, Senior Companion volunteers receive ongoing training, supplemental insurance, reimbursement for transportation costs, a small nontaxable, non-reportable stipend, and the joy of helping others live independently in their own homes.

Senior Companions must be 55 years of age or older, able to commit to 20 hours per week of volunteer service, have a fixed and/or limited income and enjoy helping others. They become part of a team of caregivers that can alert doctors and family members to new or potential health problems. But more importantly, they give a human, caring touch to a life that could otherwise be isolated from the outside world.

Senior Companions are available in Madison, Monroe, Randolph and St. Clair counties in Southern Illinois.

For more information on the Senior Companion Program, please call 618-234-4410, ext. 7023, or email


Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is a national program that recruits individuals 55 and older to help others through agencies, hospitals, libraries, hospices, entertainment groups and schools, just to name a few community sponsors.

By joining RSVP, volunteers strengthen the cumulative efforts of seniors throughout the country. Seniors united in service to their community enhance volunteerism and service as an example to others.

Benefits to the volunteers include excess automobile liability insurance, recognition of volunteer time, placement, monitoring and training when appropriate.

Call RSVP at 618-234-4410, ext. 7027 or email
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